pp108 : Enabling Multi-browser Support for Web Content

Enabling Multi-browser Support for Web Content

This section provides information about enabling multi-browser support for Web content.

Process Platform provides you with the functionality to create Web applications that are accessed and used through browsers. However, till recently, the Web applications were supported only on a single browser, the Microsoft Internet Explorer. With other browsers gaining popularity, it has now become essential for Web applications to be able to support and perform on multiple browsers. In order to support multiple browsers, the Web applications must be compliant with W3C standards, as this ensures that the Web content of the Web application is rendered properly by most browsers.

Process Platform now provides an enhanced functionality to create XForms that are standards compliant and hence supported by multiple browsers. You can also convert an existing XForm to a standards-compliant XForm that can be rendered in multiple browsers. However, a Web application may comprise various other content types that must also be made standards compliant. This section provides information on making the following content types standards compliant.

  • XForms
  • HTML
  • Library or Type Library
  • JavaScript (.js) files
  • Style sheets (.css files)
  • Dynamic XForms

A Web application that is standards compliant is also referred to as a Transitional mode application. Web applications that do not comply to standards are known as Quirks mode applications.

Process Platform provides multi-browser support for the following modes of below-mentioned browsers:


Supported Mode

Internet Explorer 6.0 SP2

Quirks and Transitional

Internet Explorer 7.0

Quirks and Transitional

Internet Explorer 8.0

Quirks and Transitional

Firefox 3.5 and later


Chrome 1 and later


Safari 4.0 and later


The Safari 4.0 browser version supports only the Basic Authentication mode. The Integrated and NTLM authentication modes are not supported by the Safari 4.0 browser. Additionally, Process Platform supports HTML 4.0.1and JavaScript 1.3 and later for rendering Web content in all the above browsers.

As shown in the above table, standards-compliant Web content is supported in all the above browsers. While, other Web content that is not standards-compliant can be viewed only using the Internet Explorer browsers.

In order to create Web content for a transitional mode application, some changes are necessary in the way the various content types that constitute the application are defined and used. Standardizing the way Web content is used while creating an application, enables it to be rendered on various browsers. This section provides information about the changes that are required while standardizing the following major content types.

For information about the wrapper functions available to create transitional mode applications, see cordys.